Thursday, December 27, 2012



My husband, stepdaughter and I were doing a jig -- we NAILED our first real Christmas with our toddler Alexandra!

She was a little scared to venture into the living room to see what this whole Santa-left-presents-under-the-tree event was all about ...
But once she stood near all the presents -- she FREAKED... lol... in a good way.  :)

Alex's big ticket item -- an electric Barbie jeep she can actually drive! 
Yeah, she almost drove it into a ditch near our street... lol. 

She found it sooo funny to stop-go-stop-go-stop-go-stop-go .. while we were trying to run along side her to help her steer.

Also got Alex a Leap Pad 2, which we call "her own iPad" ... so i can have mine back. lol!

Funny -- the best part about the day -- Alex was soo excited she got to keep her pajamas on!

Actually, we all did ... all ... day ... long.  HAHAH!


Baby sis hangin' out on big sis' Christmas present !!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Overload

'Twas the night before Christmas .... and we all went waaay overboard this year.

It's almost as though my husband, stepdaughter and i went out of our way to get just about every hot toy on about 15 different "top ten holiday gifts" list, all to give Alex an amazing Christmas she will most likely forget..  lol!

I got her a Leap Pad-2 (to get my own iPad away from her for good) ...

Daddy got her a motorized pink Barbie Jeep (Alex is not even into Barbie ... but it's SUCH a cool jeep!)

My stepdaughter got Alex an artist's easel -- it's 3 times bigger than she is.

Those were Alex big ticket items, amid the puzzles, princess accessories, and kid movies..
And Alex would've claimed the most popular Doc McStuffins doll if it weren't sold out, EV-ER-EE-WHERE.

Why, we went all out for a 2-and-1/2-year-old is beyond me...

-- except that she gets SO excited when she sees Christmas lights blinking at house after house after the sun goes down...

-- And she demands we play Christmas music in the car as she declares every song is about the baby Jesus (except for Rudolph and Frosty The Snowman, of course)

-- And she marches around the house with a pen and notepad, making her own "naughty and nice" list...

On second thought -- WE are so excited to see HER so excited tomorrow morning, because she actually GETS the concept of Christmas this year!!

Wonder whose toy she'll like the best.... lol    :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Finally -- Poopy in the Big Potty!

Wow, what an evening...

Today, Alex pooped in the "big potty" for the first time -- all by herself... literally!

Peeing on the big potty using her little toddler insert, has been fun for her.
We set the timer on the microwave, and when it goes off we pretend she's the only one who knows how to turn it off.
When she pushes the "off" button, we run with her to the potty to "hurry up and go" so we can give Alex one M&M.

We promised her an entire handful if she were to go poop in the potty.

Apparently M&M's are good, but not THAT good... lol.

Alex has refused to go poop in the big potty, and her little toddler potty --
The only place she'll go is in her diaper as she hides under the kitchen table or behind the living room couch, screaming "NO MOMMY, NOOOOO!!"  when i see her heading that way and ask her if she wants to use the big potty to go poopy.

Soo frustrating -- until tonight.

I caught her under the kitchen table, pulling the chairs in toward her so she's more or less hidden from any of us.
My husband was on his way home, so I said, "Let's surprise daddy and go pee pee in the potty! -- Come on!"

Alex didn't say anything, so i scooped her up -- no protest from her! Hmmmm....

I ran to her bathroom, pulled down her training panties and sat her on the potty and suddenly Alex got quiet.
 -- yeah, we stopped using diapers and just told her the diapers were all gone and that she's a big girl now --

Alex can reach the bathroom door while sitting on the big potty, so she ordered me to sit on the other side of the doorway .. and proceeded to slam the door shut as hard as she could.

Silence.   For what felt like forever.
I couldn't believe she was in the bathroom by herself, sitting on the toilette.

"Can i open the door, Alex?" I asked as i knocked playfully on the door.

"Don't talk to me mama!" was my very stern answer... followed by a "Stop it, mommy!"

"Okaaayyy. Let me know when i can talk to you.  Are you ok?"

"Stop it, moma!!!"
"Ok, sorry Alex."

Over the next 5 minutes, i would yell out to the dog .. or talk to baby Addison sitting in her swing next to me.. just so Alex heard my voice and knew i was still there.

I heard her whimper a couple of times, and that was it.

FINALLY, Alex announced that i could, "Open the door, mama!" and when i did, she timidly told me she had gone pee pee and .... poopy, she said -- with her voice trailing off.

Well, you'da though the girl had just parted the Red Sea the way I called her dad into the bathroom (perfect timing, he had just gotten home) and we clapped and cheered.

Alex was SO proud of herself.  And we all talked about it for the rest of the evening, making up "we're so proud of you" songs ... and, "my big girl went poo poo in the potty!" songs and dances...

"M&M's" was all Alex could think of after washing her hands by herself at the sink (thanks to a Rubbermaid stool and a plastic water extender attached to the faucet) ..

We had been giving her just 1 M&M after she would pee on the big potty.
With her pooping -- she got to operate the M&M dispenser herself, and a good sized (adult) handful of the little candies came streaming out into a little bowl she carried around with her while dining on the chocolates.

We let Alex call grandma (manna) -- and Alex was "Princess Alex" the rest of the night -- at her request. lol....

And all it took was the thought of surprising daddy by going to the potty.
If that's not a daddy's girl!  :)

Alex spent the rest of the evening attached to daddy at the hip, btw ... annoying for him i'm sure, but oh so cute!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Refresher Survival Swim Lessons Are Over!

-- because we dropped out.

And I don't consider it a failure!

The good news:  I have my playful, fun, curious and vibrant daughter back.

Where'd she go?

That Alexandra disappeared after the first week of refresher survival swim lessons.

As usual, she cried during her entire 10-minute lessons -- just like she did during the 2 months or so when she first learned how to roll over on her back, and hold onto the side of a pool (if she were to fall in)

But this time around -- she's expressing herself better and made it quite clear she wants nothing to do with the lessons.

I ignored her protests the first week ....

Then during the 2nd week, Alex's personality, her actions, demeanor -- everything changed.

She was taking lessons in the morning, but her protests would start the afternoon before --

*  Alex stopped eating a good dinner; only consuming 1/2 of what she normally eats ... which would carry over into breakfast the next morning....

*  Alex would whine all afternoon long -- fought hard every night about going to bed; because it meant swim lessons a couple hours after waking up...

*  Alex was even crying -- and i mean to the point of hyperventilating HARD -- IN HER SLEEP, never waking up, but crying incessantly ... only stopping when my husband or I would tip-toe into her room and place a gentle hand on her back or forehead.

Funny -- when there was ever a thunderstorm and she realized we had to skip her lesson for the day, Alex would run around the house screaming, "We can't go!!  We can't go, mama!! It raining outside!! We can't goooooooo!!!"
Which always ended with an "I love you" squeeze to my leg.


I could have put up with all of the protesting, because I really believe the survival swim lessons are important... but I can't let Alex go an entire week not eating well.

Alex was only 4 pounds, 10 ounces when she was born and has stayed very thin -- though she's growing vertically like a weed.
If she catches a cold and doesn't eat well for a couple days -- she loses weight, so you can imagine -- an entire week?!?!

Too much.

I hated breaking the news to her instructor Ms. Suzi, who was totally find with my decision.

It took a week for Alex to even go into another pool, and even then -- she cried when we put on the sunscreen, and only stayed on the top step for an entire hour.

It's been a couple weeks now.

Alex still protests when going into a pool .. but once she's in, she's having fun -- on her terms, of course.
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Friday, June 22, 2012

Long-Distance Grandma

It's gotta be tough for my mom, trying to spoil her first granddaughter from 850 miles away.

Mom's been doing pretty well though!

She asked what to get Alexandra for her birthday back in March.

Since we're in the "I can feed myself!" phase, I told my mom to send a couple of cheap, cute 2-year-old outfits (to replace alll the cheap, cute clothes she has that now have food stains all over them.. lol!)

My mom basically went crazy at her local flea market, and bought Alex an entire Spring wardrobe! -- super cheap and super cute!

This time, when she recently asked if she could get something special for Alex, I suggested some musical sing-a-long CDs which Alex really enjoys.

My mom called last night to say she picked up some of those, and some kids' videos, specifially the Davey and Goliath Christian stories that teach good manners.

Yeeeeeaaaah.   LOL!

Not that I don't appreciate the latter addition ....  but, Alex has come to like (and by 'like', i mean 'obsess over') the fast-paced, brightly-colored animation of videos like the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She is totally bored by shows like Mr. Rodgers and Sesame Street- shows i grew up on!  :(

If you're familiar with the Davey and Goliath stories -- I think they're claymation creations, where their movements are very choppy and primitive.

I'll still show them to Alex... just hope my mom isn't disappointed with Alex's reaction.

Young boy bored in school

Friday, June 15, 2012

Help Preparing for Baby #2

Welp... done a ton of research ... and talked to friends ... and friends of friends ...

Yes, my husband and I will need a double stroller.
I'll figure out a way to convince him later.   :)

Okay, so in the running were the Peg Perego, Kolcraft and Citi Mini.
All waaay too expensive, but the easiest to maneuver and store for a mom who may find herself running out on errands solo with a 2-year-old and newborn.

The winner -- (drum roll please) -- the Citi Mini 2011 Double Stroller !!!  By an overwhelming majority.

I say the 2011 model because it's cheaper than the 2012 ... though not by much I've found.

Anyone have a used one here on the First Coast they'd like to sell?

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Also looking for some advice on baby monitors.

The one we have (which saved me from having to have Alexandra sleep with us when she was born) has been great!

It's a Summer brand model, but with so much use by so many different people at our home (family, sitters, etc) ... it's starting to short circuit ... and the company no longer sells it, so no 2nd camera for baby #2.

Any suggestions?

I'd like another monitor equipped with audio and video and multiple camera capability... though I'm sure Alexandra will be climbing out of her big-girl-bed when she's done sleeping so no need to really monitor her ... buuuuttt .... mommy can't help it.   :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Truckin' Along

Why ... am I in such a rush to have this baby?

I'm uncomfortable -- well, my lower back is, trying to carry this boulder in the front --  but I'm definitely not in any pain...

I'm told i don't look nearly as swollen as I did this time last pregnancy. Walking this time is more of a challenge but no biggie....

And no signs of trouble at the doctor's office!

Still, i was soo excited to tell the doctor today, that the baby had dropped waaay low in my pelvic region -- thinking the doctor would say I'd be due to give birth sooner rather than later......

"Nah.  It doesn't mean anything," the doctor said, barely looking up from my charts and measurements on his computer.


The only difference for the docs -- i have to see them every week for regular visits, until delivery day.

Sounds easy enough.

Now, if I could just find a way to not feel so sleepy throughout the day!

It's the funniest thing -- hits me all day long.

I want to sleep when my alarm goes off for work in the morning.. and then right after the morning newscasts ... anytime after I eat... or if I'm stationary for too long...

It's actually fascinating.
And even after I've gotten a good nap / night's sleep, I'm good for a couple of hours -- then I'm sleepy again!

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Friday, June 8, 2012

Don't We Need A Double Stroller?

The nesting process has begun  (not a fan of that word, but that's what we're doing...again.  lol!)

We got Alexandra's big girl bed -- YAY!   Just need to get a mattress for it -- which, at the rate we're going, could take another week.... ugh!

And NOW hubby wants to paint Alex's new big girl room ..... yes, now -- the month before baby's due.  Oy.   He doesn't like the pale yellow that's already in there.  I think it's fine, but ... whatevs.

Here's something else my husband and I disagree on.

He thinks we don't need to get a double stroller to cart around baby and Alexandra.  But I think we do!  

I mean, we're not always going to leave the house together -- what the heck are we supposed to do, with a child that can't walk yet and one that doesn't always feel like it?!?

I've started searching for one -- they're awfully expensive!

The only other thing I'd like to have but can't -- yet -- is clothes.

Problemo -- are we having a boy or girl ?!?!? 

The suspense is now killing me!   Don't know how hubby can stand it!!

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Naming Baby #2

Ok, this is slowing becoming a fiasco during dinner conversations... lol!

When we named Alexandra, my husband, stepdaughter and I literally waited until the last possible minute (i think i was already in the hospital waiting to give birth) ... opened a book of baby names ... and chose the first name we all agreed on.

This time -- we're trying to start the discussion a little earlier ... ish (i'm due next month!)

Since we don't know the sex of the baby, we have to come up with boy and girl names.

Girl names seem to be much easier.

We'd like it to start with an A, since my stepdaughter's and toddler's names both do ... but my creative husband thinks every name my stepdaughter and I come up with -- sounds like a stripper's name.


Yeah -- it was funny at first.   Now -- we're running out of choices.

Here's how the conversation sounds:

I say, "Oh!  What about April!  That's a pretty na---"

Hubby cuts me off.  "Nope. Stripper."

My stepdaughter says, "Hey.. what about Aliyah?"

Hubby:  "Stripper."





Unreal.  lol...

And with the boy's names, the conversation's no better.

My stepdaughter and I like modern names, like Aiden.

My husband, likes the name Roy.

ROY ?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

Maybe we'd be better off waiting until the last minute to pick a name!

Emoticon with red angry face

8.5 Months Pregnant

Yeah.  I'm a little blissfully nervous.

I say blissfully, because the end of my pregnancy is nothing like what happend my first go-'round.

With Alexandra, I had to have an emergency c-section.

Back then at 37+ weeks, I went to a regular doctor's appointment for a checkup during my work break.

We all knew I'd have to have a c-section because Alex was breech; her butt was situated where he head should have been.    :)

However, the nurse & doctor noticed during that checkup, that all my amniotic fluid had disappeared.

Not good.

I was told to go straight to the hospital because I was having the baby that day!

This time around, the baby is head down and has already 'dropped'...  Funny- i happened to notice this week i could walk from my bedroom to the kitchen without becoming winded because the baby was no longer wedged up super high into my ribs. lol...

So now -- i guess i just wait, and enjoy being able to breathe normally for the first time in a few months.

The doctor told me I don't have to have another c-section, but there is a 1-percent chance of the old c-section cut ripping during labor.   It's not a big percentage, but if it were to happen ... it could be deadly due to the loss of blood, among other things.

So, I think i'm opting for another "c"... but i'm not so sure what happens if i'm already in labor when i arrive at the hospital..

Gotta write that question down for the doctor.  Next appointment- next week!

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Survival Swim Lessons- Take 2!

We have started the process, and just as i though -- Alexandra still hates her survival swim lessons. lol!

I have noticed some changes though.

The biggest change even surprised the instructor Ms. Suzi -- Alex can talk.

So accompanying Alex's screams and crying comes, "NO SWIM!!! I GET OUT!!!"

The up side- this time around Alex is understanding directions more ... and she's calming down the louder my cheers and praises to her are.

Alex seems to remember the flipping-onto-her-back.. and grabbing-the-wall routines... though she looks a little awkward now that she's a little bigger and stronger, fighting some of the moves more.

And as soon as the short lesson was over, she was totally fine -- 'talking' to Ms. Suzi like they were old friends, and watching the next student (victim) fussing during his lesson.

Poor thing- Alex's first refresher lesson wore her out.  She fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Overall, I think she did very well.   One lesson down, at least a dozen more to go!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Do I Warn Alex About Breastfeeding?

I've gotten 2, totally different pieces of advice from friends about the same topic.

Do I warn Alexandra beforehand, what breast feeding is?

One friend of mine was adamant.

With her eyes opened as wide as someone just scared by a ghost during a funeral, Kim warned me -- "YES!!  You NEED to tell Alex what breastfeeding is all about!!!"

Apparently, when her 2nd child was born, her older (but still very young) son FREAKED out when mom suddenly whipped out a breast and let baby #2 start suckling away.

Scarred him for a few months, actually.

Not sure how old her son was at the time ... but my best friend Karen just had her 2nd baby -- and gave me the opposite advice.

Karen has a 2-year-old daughter who saw, for the first time, her mother breastfeed over the weekend.

"What's that?" little Madison asked.

Karen said, referring to her own breasts, "There's milk in there for the baby."

Madison was satisfied with that answer, and went about her day ... until a little later, when Madison wanted some milk.

Karen caught Madison squeezing her own chest.

"What are you doing, Madison?"

"I want some milk."

"You don't have milk in there," Karen said while trying soo hard not to laugh out loud.

"Yes I do!" Madison insisted.

"Well, you only have milk in there if you have a baby in your tummy.  Do you have a baby in your tummy?"



"Well then you don't have milk in there, Maddie."

And that was that.   LOL... too freakin' funny.

So.  Which piece of advice do I go with?   Explain to Alexandra beforehand what breastfeeding is, or just wait for the questions to roll in?

Businesswoman thinking of how to solve a challenging problem

I'm going to have to find a new pet name for Alexandra. lol....

Until yesterday, I never noticed how often I call Alex, "baby" .. or "my baby" --

"Are you all done eating, my baby?"
"Time to take a bath, my baby!"

Yesterday, as I was waiting for the other baby to move so Alex could feel it in my tummy, I said, "We need to find a name for the baby!"

Alexandra looked at me, and without missing a beat she said, "My name Alex."

Ooooooh, yeeeeeaaaaah...... about that........

And then -- during the same conversation, I asked Alex if she knew where the baby was.

I meant, on my body.

She says to me, "I right here, mama!"

Sooooo-- a little deprogramming is in order, though it sure will be hard to break the habit --



Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Back To Ms. Suzi

I was hoping to spare Alexandra the repeat torture, but i just don't see any way around it.

We took a dip in the pool over the weekend, and I checked to see if Alex remembered any of what she learned the summer before about floating on her back, and holding onto the side of the pool wall..


The panic in Alex's eyes when I tried to hold her as she floated on her back -- too much ... for me to witness at least.

She's going to have to get refresher lessons on survival floating/swimming.

It was torture last summer, watching Alex FREAK OUT every day for 6 WEEKS of lessons with her instructor, Ms. Suzi.

In the end, despite all the dramatics -- Alex WAS able to flip onto her back and float ...

Flipping back and forth, Alex actually made it to the side of the pool wall, and could hang on -- while still screaming bloody murder. lol..

Fortunately, a refresher course means just a couple of weeks (hopefully) of torture ... but better that than the ultimate nightmare which could happen.. 

Swim Safe ISR with Suzi Taylor

Ah, The Memories Being Made

I honestly don't know how I'da made it through this pregnancy without my little honey-bunny Alexandra.

At 2-years-old, she is keeping my spirits up and giving my abs a workout from laughing so hard.

For example, she thinks it's hysterical to yell back at those annoying TV commercials that feel like they're yelling at viewers.

"MIKE SHAD!!!" she screams when she hears that catchy, overplayed car lot theme music.

"BRANDON GETS UM.."  she sings when she sees the dog on the bug-buster commercials.

I was waiting for Alex to start with the "MORGAN AND MORGAN, FOR THE PEOPLE" -- but apparently their presentation's a little too bland for her .. hahaha!


Alexandra and I were sitting on the couch the other evening with my college-age stepdaughter -- just hanging out ...

But Alex was especially feisty, jumping around and slamming her body against her older sister...

I knew if it kept on Alex would hurt herself or something .. but before i could tell her for the ump-teenth time to "stop it please!"  ... Alex had already flung her head back, hitting her sister in the glasses -- which were on her sister's face.


I'm frantically asking my stepdaughter if she's ok, as a red mark grows around her eye, and Alex yells out, "I'M OKAY!  I'M OKAY!" 

Great, thanks for letting us know .. lol.


So there we are, Alexandra and I ... cruisin' down the road to run errands and for ONCE Alex is totally chillin' out in her car seat, enjoying looking out her window while munching on a snack.

Suddenly the silence is broken by Alex excitedly yelling, "COSS, MOMMY -- COSS!!!"

I had no clue what she was saying .. and she kept hitting her hands together, despite the fact she had her snack cup in one, and water bottle in the other.


I said, "I'm sorry baby, I don't understand what you're saying to me."

Alex finally says, "CHURCH!! COSS! COSS!"

A lightbulb went off in my head.

Alex was so excited she recognized a CROSS on a home we passed by.. and she was trying to signal to me with her hands, because I had shown her in church how to cross her fingers to look like a cross.

I wanted to cry as it hit me (again) -- what a HUGE responsibility, teaching a child.

My Hair Is A Bird's Nest

My first pregnancy -- my hair couldn't have been more thick and luxurious.

I was like a commercial for some expensive shampoo and conditioner!
It grew soooo long.

This time?


I try to get it under control.  Forget it.  Every day I'm forced to pin it up -- on TV .. running to the store .. doing chores ... yawner.

Not so thick ... not manageable at all.

The up side -- with all the luxuriousness the first time around, I had hair growing everywhere.
The worst was my sideburns -- ugh.  If i had let them loose, i coulda braided them.

Not this time.

Hmmm.  Sideburns, or manageable hair .... that's a toughie.

choices,decision making,decisions,emoticons,emotions,expressions,faces,question marks,questions,smiley,smiley face,smiley faces,smileys,smilie,smilie face,smilie faces,smilies,smily,smily face,smily faces,symbols,thinking,thoughtful

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Baby's BIG !

Well ... bigger than his/her older sister at least.

Another check up with the doctor and sonogram measuring tools estimate my 2nd baby is nearly 4 pounds at the end of the 7th month.

That puts him/her in the 55th percentile in weight.
That's also about how much Alexadra weighed when she was born!  (4 lbs, 10 oz)

No wonder i look and feel twice as big this time around.  lol.

Baby's head is still pointed downward -- so i figure those are his/her feet i feel fluttering up around the base of my ribs  (graphic, huh?)

And now that baby can swivel his/her head, sharp pangs against my bladder and whatever else is down there make it difficult to get comfortable in extremes: moving from a long drive in the car, to walking ... or from sitting upright to lying down for the night.

Pleasant, right?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lola's Still With Us


We just couldn't let her go.

All the medicines we though were helping ease the pain of her hip dysplasia -- haven't really helped.

So we've cut back on the meds, and Lola's still chasing squirrels and feral cats all day long ... just with a little limp.   :(

She's seem very happy so we'll pray she survives -- Alexandra, that is.

The baby LOVES to do her best to torture Lola...

Alex chases her .. tiptoes up to Lola then screams at the top of her lungs .. Alex pushes her high chair around the kitchen and living room, following Lola who scrambles to get out of the way...

My husband and I run to rescue Lola when we realize what's happening. Other times Lola will lie there and take Alex trying to feed her plastic donuts from her toddler kitchen.

When she's had enough -- Lola just runs to, and scratches the snot out of the door to GET OOOOOUUUUT!  lol...

Poor Lola.  She's such a great sport.

Monday, May 21, 2012

I Am Eating Like a Fiend!

Even this second time around my husband cannot get over how much I'm eating during my pregnancy.

And believe it or not, I'm not enjoying eating every few hours -- it's become a chore.

I feel like a junkie at work.
With certain co-workers I know who will be passing by food on their travels at certain times -- It's gotten to the point where they just automatically call me at their "appointed times" to see if I'd like them to pick me up something... lol....

At least I'm eating healthy, depending on how you feel about eating meat.   :)

I'm not big on eating red meat.

This pregnancy though -- i just can get enough of it.  Meat in general; any kind.
I try to eat chicken and fish.. we had pork tenderloin last night (thank youuu, hubby!) .. steak on the grill last weekend -- you name it, i'm chowin' down on it.

I don't understand it. I wanted nothing to do with red meat during my 1st pregnancy.

Hopefully my meat craze will end after the baby's born.

Hubby's pork tenderloin w/raisin and pineapple dressing -- YUM!

Peanut-A vs. Peanut-B

As time ticks away and our 2nd baby's birth creeps closer... all kinds of questions are flooding our brains --

Will my husband and I ever "see" each other again with a 2nd child in the mix?
How do we make this a smooth transition for our first born?
Do we go with a prepaid college plan, or education IRA?

What's interesting, is the question my husband asked me yesterday -- that kinda caught me off guard.

"Do you think you might ignore Alexandra because of the new baby?"

I was surprise, because I was thinking just the opposite:  My fear of resentment toward the new baby because of time he or she takes away from Alex.

I don't know why I'm afraid of that ... I have no intention of loving one child more than the other, and definitely want to give equal attention to both... which (now that I'm "saying it out loud") is probably impossible because Alex is pretty self-sufficient, aaaand a baby is, of course, not.

I'm giving myself a false sense of hope we will all adjust splendidly to our new arrival, by making it Alex and my project to fix up her new room!

Yep -- the 3 of us went searching for a "big girl" bed this past weekend -- so many cool set ups out there now!   And these stores are pretty proud (too proud) of their product!  Sheesh.  A little more $$ and hubby and I could get a brand new bed.

Girls having pillow fight

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Terrible 2s? - NAH!

There is nothing terrible about being 2!

Sure, Alexandra has her moments when she's frustrated and reverts to crying instead of "using her words" to tell me what's wrong ... but overall, I am having a blast watching her grow and learn!

At 2-years-old, Alex has got her word combinations down!  "Daddy home?"  "Follow me, mommy!"  "That's amazing." -- i think she got that one from her Mickey Mouse DVDs (Daisy Duck is very trendy)

Alex is so intuitive -- and obsevant!
I was messing around with my husband, snapping a dish towel at him while following him around the kitchen... lol...
When my last towel-snap really hit hubby hard on his back leaving a nice red mark, we laughed as he shunned my pity hugs... but Alex was watching us like a psychologist behind a 2-way mirror.

"Daddy, you have boo-boo?!"  "Daddy, you sad ?!???"

Great.  lol... the baby thinks I'm a daddy abuser.

Whomever said kids' brains are like sponge, wasn't kidding. 

Alex knows her entire alphabet, upper and lower case ....
She can count to 20 (after a little help with the numbers 17 and 19  :).... 
She can name every character affiliated with The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (including Claribel the cow's dog, Bella)
The little peanut even remembers names of people she hasn't seen in 6 months! -- Fascinating.

I think that last little observation is what's going to push my own mom in Jersey to sign up on Skype!  FINALLY.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

30 Weeks And Counting !

Wow!  It's been a while since I've written ... and I'm FREAKING OUT.

Just returned from my now bi-monthly visit to my OBGYN...

I though if a woman had a C-section for her 1st pregnancy, she had to have one for her 2nd ... lowering the risk of ripping and hemorrhaging from the incision which could lethally endanger mom and newborn.


Well, yes -- that can happen.

However unbeknownst to me, the chance of blood pouring from my abdomen uncontrollably during labor and delivery the 2nd time around because I had a C-section the 1st time    (sorry -- the translation of a freaked-out brain) ... is only --

(Pppft!   Whatevs.   It can happen.)

So, imagine me be-bopping into the doc's office, wondering when we're going to schedule my 2nd C-section, and the doc says, "Oh. We can schedule one if you want to...."


Suddenly my brain is instantly spinning --
"ok, let's schedule one... a week before I"m due?!?! .... wait ... what if i start labor before that? ... are ambulances equipped to handle C-section incision rips?!?! ... what if no one's around and i have to drive myself to the hospital... ***GASP*** ... will i even have the strength to call 9-1-1 ???"

 .... sigh......   I'm ok ....


Usually what I do in these instances is take a nap and save the worrying for some other time. Lol.

Let's see --
I'm 30 weeks pregnant, and twice as big this 2nd time around.

My little Alexandra (baby #1) was born at 37 weeks.

HAHAH!  Whew.  Hope I make it that long!  Not sure how much more my body can stretch!

Ah, well...  zzzzzzzzzzz.....


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Saying Goodbye to Lola

Death -- it's part of life.

For my 22-month-old, it's already something very final and memorable.

Just yesterday, as she was playing with some toys outside, an oversized-ant crawled up on the toy in her hand.

"Bug!!" she exclaimed, pointing at it while looking at me, waiting for me to do something about it.

Without thinking, i grabbed my shoe, killed it and said, "ok -- it's dead. All done." 

Alex looked at it .. then a little closer ... said the word 'dead' ... and went on about her playing.

I say the concept is memorable, because it's been how long since she saw that dead frog in our driveway....?  Feels like forever ago.

A very VERY faint mark is still there -- thanks to the vehicle tire that smushed the frog -- and when Alex sees the mark, she says "Dead, fog."

So here's my dilemma.

Our wonderful, loyal, loving dog Lola ... will likely have to be put down.

She has hip dysplasia in both hips, and because of that -- other problems are arising, like tiny ligiment tears.

Lola's on so many pain medications, and in the past week has occasionally stopped using one of her hind legs.

We're going through the motions -- xrays, tests, meds .....

There are surgerieSSSS availible ... which are very expensive, and there's no guarantee they'll even help.

So yes, the closed-door discussions have begun about possibly ending Lola's obvious pain all together.

Even Lola has become much more clingy and needy -- just wanting to be in someone's body space.

It's so heartbreaking.

All the adults in the family understand what's happening .... but how do you explain to a not-even-2-year-old ... that the one "person" who never gets mad when Alex tries to run her over with a highchair -- might suddenly disappear?

Right now, Alex knows Lola's "leg hurts" and has a "boo-boo," and that's why we say "poor Lola," but that's about it.

I don't want to tell Alex that Lola's gone because of her boo-boo.   Don't want Alex to freak out the next time a scratch (boo-boo) appears on her own finger.....

Do i want to say the word 'dead'?  Or would that conjure up images for Alex of something violent happening to Lola (like the ant i killed with my shoe)?

I would like to incorporate God and Heaven into the equasion, but Alex's Bible stories are just that -- stories....

We could pray for Lola -- Alex knows how to say her prayers...

Then again -- maybe i'm over-thinking the entire thing.

Just really trying to think of what to tell Alex when she screams for LOOOOOLAAAAA!  -- and Lola's not there.

Kid crying

Monday, January 9, 2012

Taste Buds Are Turning on Me

My 2nd pregnancy -- DEFINITELY different than the first.

The first -- no morning sickness at all!  I was just hungry all day, all the time.  :)

This time around, I've had morning -- not so much sickness, but wooziness -- all day, every day.

I'm officially 3 months -- wonder if the uneasy stomach will subside.

The doctor told me to make sure i have something in my stomach by eating small snacks and meals all day long -- not helping.

An even stranger experience for me this time around -- what i can't stand to taste!

Mint DISGUSTS me right now.  I thew out all my gum ... and i had to buy cinnamon-flavored toothpaste!

Also, i can't stand the taste of bottled water, which is all i ever drink!!  -- Drank.  lol.

Yeah -- i suddenly love the taste of tap water.

I don't understand it... any of it.

choices,decision making,decisions,emoticons,emotions,expressions,faces,question marks,questions,smiley,smiley face,smiley faces,smileys,smilie,smilie face,smilie faces,smilies,smily,smily face,smily faces,symbols,thinking,thoughtful

Potty Training Day 3


Momma needs to slow her roll.... lol.

Ok, so Alexandra's got going #1, down -- no problem.  We started giving her little stickers to stick on the back of her hand when she goes.  She didn't even need them.

#2 - that's going to have to wait a bit.

Well actually, my hubby claims Alex DID go #2 when he was watching her.... walked into the bathroom, slamed the door shut behind her, and went.

Hmmmm.   I have yet to witness the amazing event.    :)

I saw Alex had to go #2 yesterday -- the pushing, and all else related -- so i "coaxed" her to her potty.


I think i created a stoppage.  She wouldn't go!!!

Fortunately it all came out when she woke up from her nap later on.

Ah well.   1 outa 2 ain't bad.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Potty Training Day 2

Who knew such strides could be made in just 24 hours?

Not only did Alexandra pee-pee in her little potty.. on her own.. on day-2 of "potty training" (i guess we've started... lol!) -- she actually AKSED to go yesterday afternoon!

I was actually changing Alex's diaper when she blurts out, "Pee pee!"

"You have to pee-pee?" I asked.

"Yah!" she smiles.

"Do you want to use your new potty?"


So, Alex walked her naked little butt over to the potty, opened the lid again, sat down and peed right away this time!

Not so perfect when it comes to her poopy... Oy.

Yesterday it was obvious she had to go #2, so she "played" on her potty -- up and down, up and down, up and down -- for like 10 minutes.


Suddenly, she goes tearing off to the living room where the dog was.

What else do you do but hurry to get a diaper and chase after her ... but in that short amount of time, Alex returned to the bathroom and says, "Lala pee-pee .. Lala pee-pee!"

Well, "Lala"  (Lola)  is our dog.

"Sooooo show me where Lola 'pee-peed.'"

Off she trots -- with remnants of #2 on her little butt -- to the living room ...

Lying near Lola, are 2 small mounds of baby poop.   HAHAHAH!

Oh boy.

Well, at least she told on herself, i guess....
And after all-- she usually runs to hide in the living room when she goes #2.....

Mental note for next time:  Let her go #2 in the bathroom without an adult hovering over her. LOL....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

It's Potty Time!

OH .... MY ..... GOODNESS.

I was so excited, I almost peed!

Alexandra used her new potty ALL BY HERSELF!!!

I mean, i had to show her how to sit on it from the front instead of trying to swing her leg over the entire potty like a man flipping his leg over a horse in an old Western movie ... but other than that -- SHE DID GREAT!!!

See ..... I had bought Alex a potty some time ago -- very plain, white, no frills -- that matched our bathrooms.

She would "play sit" on it ... occasionally.... but that was it.
I just thought she either wasn't interested, or it made her nervous.

I never pushed her, but i explained to her how "the potty" works every chance i got.

Well apparently she's been listening.

For Christmas, I bought Alex a new and improved potty -- that makes a little "magic wand" sound when you "flush" the potty lever, and it has a lid she can lift ....

Hubby made fun of me, btw -- buying a toilet for our baby for Christmas.  Whatevs.

Like any new toy, she's played with it when she happenes to remember it's there ... but nothing more --


Just before a bath, I asked a naked Alex if she wanted to use her new potty.

That itty-bitty walked right over to it.. lifted the lid .. sat down (with a little help) and started playing with the wand-sounding potty handle, just a-laughin' like there was no tomorrow.

I offered her a towel to wrap around her while she sat -- didn't want it.

After about 45 seconds, Alex stood up.   I said, "All done pee pee?"

She said nothing -- just sat back down and starting playing with the handle and giggling again..... when suddenly -- what sounded like a broken water spicket bursting at the seams.....


I was so excited!  Started cheering!!!  Startled Alex a little because the spraying water sound stopped for a second... then she realize I was cheering for her ... lol .... and she finished!
Totally emptied her bladder in her little pottie, then stood up ... i gave her some toilette paper which she used to rub her butt (i helped her do it the right way) ... and finally she joinined my celebrations, throwing her arms up in the air yelling, "YAAAAAAY!" while running around the bathroom.

It was a beautiful moment i wish i had my cell phone cam nearby to capture!   :(

Now if she'll only do it when she has to go #2..........!

babies,bathrooms,commodes,people,playthings,toilet bowls,paper rolls,toys

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

YAY! We're Having Another Baby!

Now try explaining that to a 21-month-old!  HA!

I tell Alexandra -- especially when she wants "up" but i can't deal with her kicking and fidgeting -- that there's a baby in my tummy.

....Silence .....

Blank look on her face ......

Then she says, " 'Gain?" ..

Translation: Say it again mommy because you make absolutely no sense right now.

I try all different approaches..

Alex likes to flip through my cell phone pictures of her -- yes, all 500 of them -- so she came across a sonogram photo of the baby-to-be.

"That?" she asked.

I said, very excitedly, "That's a picture of the new, teeeeny-tiny baby in my tummy!".

After telling her that a few times, Alex started using her high-pitched "baby" voice to say "BABY!" every time she comes across that picture.

Not sure she gets it yet, but i think we've broken ground!